Hi, I'm
Atmospheric Physicist
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10+ years - Experimental Research
5+ years - Data Engineering & Science
2+ years - Research Software Engineering
(B.Sc.) Physics
(M.Sc.) Atmospheric Physics
(Ph.D.) Atmospheric Physics
I am currently wrapping up my Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I earned my Bachelor of Science in Physics from Hampton University with a minor in Nanoscience and Mathematics. I have received the NASA FINESST award, a GEM Fellow, and has previously worked with NOAA through the EPP Programs (NCAS-M, CESSRST, and Hollings). My research focuses on understanding how nocturnal atmospheric dynamics impact air quality, particularly emphasizing Nocturnal Low-Level Jets in the Mid-Atlantic United States. He is an expert in conducting and analyzing observational data from multi-instrument suits, particularly in active and passive remote sensing. My love for the outdoors and traveling has led him to participate in several air quality field campaigns and experiments with NASA. I am dedicated to facilitating the next generation of air quality science and hopes to continue this pursuit post-graduation.
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